Massage Therapy

Cynthia Dakan, RLT/RLST
Variable Prices for Spa Services Energy Work · Body Facial Registered Lymhedema Therapist
Acute Back Pain
Acute Neck Pain and Headaches
Myofascial Pain Syndrome
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Cumulative Repetitive Trauma Syndrome
Sciatica / SI Dysfunction
Spa Facials
Hydration Mask |
- La Stone Therapy
- Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy
- Sports Injuries
- TMJ / Jaw and Neck
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome / Wrist
- Plantar Fasciitis
- Tendonitis / Bursitis
- Frozen Shoulder Inpairment
- Shoulder Impingement
- Women’s and Men’s Health
- Pelvic Pain
- Pre- and Post-Partum Care
- Menopause
- Polio Massages
Services We Provide
Let us soothe your spirit and ease your tension. With our professional massage therapy, we gently relax your body and mind through professional massage techniques. Our trained therapists provide a variety of techniques to invigorate your Body, Mind, and Spirit, and help you face upcoming challenges.
Some of the Benefits of Massage:
Improve Memory Function
Releases Muscular Tension and Pain
Increases Joint Flexibility
Reduces Mental Fatigue
Increases Your Energy
Promotes Healing of Injured Tissue |
Promotes Better Sleep
Improves Concentration
Reduces Anxiety
Improves Circulation
By appointment only. Manuel Lymph Drain and Deep Compression Therapy. Consultations available prior to service.